The story of Micalee begins in Madagascar, a sunny land renowned for its exceptional craftsmanship. Rooted in our Malagasy heritage, we are proud to share our culture through bags and hats handcrafted with love and talent. For more than 10 years, our presence in the markets of the Gulf of Saint-Tropez has harmoniously merged Malagasy authenticity with European elegance. As ambassadors of Madagascar's beauty, we are excited to share our unique story with the world.

Malagasy craftsmanship in the spotlight

Each crochet product that we offer is the fruit of the meticulous work of our artisans, heirs of an ancient tradition. Raffia, a natural fiber from Madagascar's palm trees, is skillfully transformed into bags with vibrant designs, telling the island's history through art.

Commitment to Equity

Fair trade is at the heart of our approach. Every product on our site supports local Malagasy communities. We guarantee fair remuneration to our artisans for their remarkable work, promoting sustainable development and the well-being of their families.

Natural and vegetable tanned leather

Micalee crochet bags are made from natural leather, minimizing the impact on the environment. Thanks to vegetable tanning, an environmentally friendly and ancestral method, each piece acquires a unique patina, transforming our bags into a true heirloom.